Get Your Copy of The Good The Bad and The Divorce

No fluff, direct clear guidelines for divorce regardless of where you find yourself in the process
Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2024
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I picked this book up after I began divorce coaching with Oscar. It served as our "textbook" of sorts throughout our sessions together. It complemented our sessions well and on its own merit, is an excellent eye-opening no fluff guide to getting through a divorce with the best chances of success (or perhaps the least damage). It's direct, approachable and you can pick up pretty much any chapter for the situation you find yourself. I did that at the beginning, then ended up reading it cover to cover.
I highly recommend this book especially if you are considering divorce, have had divorce thrust in your lap, or whether you're already well into the process. And if you are in the process, I HIGHLY encourage you to get a divorce coach throughout the divorce process. Your lawyer is NOT a coach and is not your friend, guide, or anything else. It's a business transaction to them, nothing more. I had two lawyers, the first was horrible. The 2nd, ok. Oscar himself, as he says in his book, had something like 7 or 8. And that afore-mentioned reality of your relationship to your lawyer is just one of the surprises from the book. Here's another, mediation isn't your friend either. The mediator is trying to wrap things up and doesn't care about you, may strong-arm you, and worse might even take sides.
One thing I'll point out is that Oscar writes from his experience in Canadian judicial system in Vancouver. I'm in the state of Tennessee in the United States. While the overall legal landscape was the same between our two countries, some procedural and technical details we don't have, such as the option to arbitrate or the "Judicial Case Conference". Still, the vast majority is relevant and essential. Take it from me, get this book, get a coach, and get ready to have your world turned upside down.

Ryan H. Cunningham